
March 21, 2025
Boys’ volleyball and Track Congratulations to all of our boys who made the volleyball team.  We are very proud of all of the students who tried out for the sport.  

8th Grade Dance:  May 9th

The 8th grade dance will be held Friday, May 9th from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm.  Eligible 8th grade students will receive an Invitation Only permission slip on May 5th during their 9th period. We want all students to have an exciting and memorable night.  Please make sure to follow school rules of being safe, respectful, and responsible. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Marcelo.


  1. Students attending the dance MUST be present in school on Friday, May 9th.  If you do not attend school, you may not attend the dance. NO EXCEPTIONS. 
  2. From April 2nd through May 9th, no major behavior documentations/no more than 3 minor behavior documentations (if you receive 4 documentations you are ineligible); or by administrator discretion 
  3. No more than 3 missing assignments (4 or more you are ineligible) –ALL missing assignments are DUE by April 30 at 2:15 pm.



Elementary Scholarship

The Schaumburg Township Council is once again offering scholarships for elementary students, kindergarten through 7th grade! These scholarships are offered for summer camps and programs but do not need to be sponsored by D54. Scholarships will be awarded for the cost of the summer camps/programs up to $125.

Rules to remember:

1. The parent/guardian must be a current member of the PTA their child attends. You will need your PTA membership ID number to apply.

Click Membership  to join if not already a member.

2. The camp/program must be non commercial, nonsectarian, nonpartisan

3. Multiple children in one household can apply, however only one application may be submitted for each child

4. A student may not win a scholarship for more than two consecutive years.

Online and paper applications are available, please contact your PTA Scholarship Chairperson or the STC Elementary Scholarship chair at [email protected] with any questions. Applications are due April 4th!

English form: 

Spanish form: 

Become a member today

Please consider becoming a member of the Eisenhower PTA this year and be a part of the Eisenhower school community.    Click Membership  to join.

We are currently seeking nominations for Eisenhower Jr High PTA Officers for 2025-26

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the PTA Nominating Committee: 

Kelly Ridley [email protected]

Hot Lunch Volunteers

We need volunteers for our hot lunch days, which are Mondays during lunch.  Please, we cannot serve hot lunch to the students without your help.

Sign up here-   HOT LUNCH

 Volunteers Needed-

 We are looking for 1 more helper on March 18th in the AM for 8th grade retake picture day. 

 We are also looking for volunteers to help with concessions for home boys volleyball games and track and field.  

If you are able to help with picture day or concessions and would like more information, please email me. 

 Erica Kral

2024-2025 Eisenhower Jr. High PTA President

[email protected]