AR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness)
Each spring, students in District 54 take federally mandated assessments (IAR) designed to help school districts understand how our students are growing academically. This year, the English Language Arts and Math Assessment for grades 3-8 will be given at school between March 6th and March 24th. The classroom teachers will communicate your child’s specific testing dates.
Solar Eclipse- April 8
On Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North and Central America creating a path of totality. During a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely blocks the Sun while it passes between the Sun and Earth. The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk. For more information, please visit
The Schaumburg area will not experience a total eclipse but rather a partial eclipse around 1:50-2:10 p.m. Eisenhower School is planning a viewing opportunity to allow students to experience this unique event.
Safety is always a top priority. We will take all precautionary measures to make this experience safe and enjoyable. It is not safe to look directly at the sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing (Eclipse safety). Solar eclipse glasses will be provided for all students and staff participating in the viewing on April 8, 2024. Additionally, if you would prefer to not have your child participate in this event, please let us know by Monday, April 1, 2024. Students who do not participate in the solar eclipse event will participate in an alternate activity inside the school during the eclipse.
We look forward to this peak learning moment with our students. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Bridging the Gap
Hoffman Estates High School is providing an exciting opportunity for 8th graders who will be attending Hoffman Estates High School next year, called BRIDGING THE GAP. Students can sign up for Bridging the Gap and get a closer, more in depth view of what to expect in high school. High school students and faculty will share information, give a tour, and answer questions that your child might have regarding high school.
Students can pick one date to attend Bridging the Gap at Hoffman Estates High School–March 12 and March 13. There are only 94 spots available (47 each day). Permissions slips will be handed out on Tuesday, February 20 with all the details. Please return the form as soon as possible as spots fill quickly.
Save the Date: May 17th – 8th Grade Dance- details will be coming in a few short months
IEisenhower Yearbook:
Yearbooks are now on sale for $25. Beginning January 27th, the price will be raised to $30. To take advantage of the lower cost, have your child use the Yearbook Link to order. Use the classroom code eog4wfw . Announcements will also go out to our students through morning announcements on how to join the Google Classroom to order.
Boys Volleyball
Boys Volleyball try-outs are quickly approaching. 7th grade tryouts will be on Monday, March 11th, 8th Grade tryouts will be on Tuesday, March 14th. Combined groups will be on March 15. Any boy who is interested in trying-out needs to pick-up a permission slip from the cafeteria, front office, or from Coach Lewandowski or Coach Akouris. Permission slips and current physicals are due on Monday, March 6th at 2:15 p.m.
Physical Examinations
If your child plans to try out for one of our athletic teams and/or participate in intramurals, per School Board Policy, current physicals are required of all students to be on file prior to try-outs and/or participation in any inter-scholastic or intramural sport. Please note that physical examinations are good for one year from the date of the exam. If you have any additional questions about your child’s physical, please contact our school. For your reference, please click on the links below for the physical examination form and for a list of clinics that offer physicals.
*School Physical Examination Form
*Physical and Immunization Resource List
Attendance: If your child is staying home, please make sure to call our school office by 8:00 am. Please call 847-357- 5502. Students who are not called in are marked unexcused.
Dental DOS @ Dwight D Eisenhower Jr High: Tuesday, Feb 27 from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
Please post this link wherever you communicate with your parents and encourage enrollment through social media/texts/announcements/etc.
Website for Parents to Enroll:
Eisenhower PTA
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser – LAST DAY!!
Today is the last day to buy Krispy Kreme donuts for Ike! Purchase one dozen glazed donuts for $15 and the Ike PTA will receive $7.50. This is only 50 cents more than what a dozen costs normally and really helps out the school/PTA as we gear up for end of year activities. Our fundraising site will be live until the end of day today. Even though the website says the closest Krispy Kreme is Elk Grove Village, we know that the Amazon Fresh store in Schaumburg has a Krispy Kreme location that will accept the voucher. Fresh donuts are only 5 minutes away!
Looking for new Board Members
Our nominating committee is looking for incoming 7th grade and 8th grade parents looking to serve on next year’s PTA board. Many of our current board members have 8th graders who will be graduating from District 54 and we will need your help to keep our PTA active next year. If you are interested in helping, please reach out to our nominating committee at to express your interest.
If being on the board isn’t for you, but you’d like to chair a committee, we are looking for you too! We will need new people to step up and run student favorites like family fun night, spirit wear, nacho day and hot lunch going next year! We’ll have more details as the school year wraps up about what committees will definitely be open next year. Come to a meeting or reach out to if you are interested.
Hot Lunch
Our next hot lunch is coming up on Friday, March 15th from Little Greek. You can order online until March 7th. You can also order hot lunch for the remainder of the school year on our website now.
March PTA Meeting
Thank you to the parents who came to our February PTA meeting last month! Our March meeting will be in the Teacher’s Lounge on Wednesday, March 20th at 6:30pm. Note the change in day of the week due to election day that week. Hope to see you there!
NO Nacho days in March
We will be taking the month of March off from having nachos available for purchase at lunch. Please have your student plan accordingly.
Thank you to all the parents who have already joined the PTA this year – we appreciate you so much! Joining the PTA does not mean you have to volunteer (although we’d love the help). Simply becoming a member also helps support the PTA in our mission to help the school and your students. Consider becoming a member by purchasing a membership in our online store. Memberships are only $8 and are open to any parent, guardian, staff member or community member. **Special note: If your child wants to apply for a summer camp scholarship, you must be a PTA member so join now!** |