
August 30, 2024

Picture Day:  September 6th during gym class.

Future Hawks and Families

 Hoffman Estates High School invites you to attend any of our events this fall. Including our upcoming football games.  We believe this is a great opportunity to understand what it means to be a Hawk.  Please note that non Hoffman Estates High School students 14 or under must be accompanied by an adult throughout any event. Non-HEHS students 14 or under will not be allowed entry without an accompanying adult.

Please visit our website for a calendar of events.  There is a ticket price of $5 for adults and $3 for children for our football games.

First Game is this Friday – 8/30.


All students are expected to arrive to classes on time.  Classes begin promptly at 7:40 am.  

If your child is still struggling to get to their classes on time, the Dean or Guidance team will provide additional support.  Students will be encouraged to only stop at lockers when they have time and take their materials with them. 

It is important for parents to monitor if their child is arriving to class late through the parents portal.



Students are expected to be at school on time and consistently throughout the school year.  If students are sick parents should notify the office with the reason a student is unable to attend school by 8:00 am.  


Parents can monitor students’ truancy through the parent portal.  


WIFI access:  

If you are in need of WIFI access, please email me or call for support. 

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Cell phones must be turned off and kept out of sight during school hours.  If students are using a cell phone or an electronic device during school hours, it will result in confiscation of the item by the school administration.  The confiscated item can be returned to a student at the end of the day.  These devices include, but are not limited to: cell phones, iPods, e-readers, mp3 players, earbuds, air pods and headphones.
Food/Drink in Class
 In order to promote a clean and healthy environment, students are only permitted to eat snacks in class at the discretion of the instructor.  To promote an inclusive learning environment sensitive to our fellow students with allergies, certain rooms may be designated as “food free.”  Sharing of food is not allowed.  Students are allowed to bring water bottles containing water with them throughout the day including in classrooms.  Please ensure your child’s water bottle has a secure lid.  Drinks in cans, from coffee shops, flavor pods for drinks, etc. are not permitted.  Students needing medical accommodation with regard to food/drink should first speak with the school nurse.   
 Please ensure that your child’s snack follows the following guidelines:

  •  First and foremost, snacks must be peanut/tree nut free to promote an inclusive learning environment sensitive to our fellow student’s allergies. 
  • We encourage students to bring healthy snacks like fruit. 
  • Aside from fruit, the snacks must be a prepackaged, single serving item (smaller than the size of a fist).
  • The snack should not be a distraction to the learning environment.   In plain terms, students should not eat a snack in the classroom that is loud to eat, messy, or smelly.
  • Students are not allowed to bring meals into the classroom to eat.  This includes fast food items which are a distraction to the learning environment.